Confusion to Clarity: 3 Steps to Master Graphing is Currently Closed.


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If you’re a grades 4-10 science, social studies or math teacher looking to uplevel your graphing while working less hard at it so that it can work better for your students than you already know that…practice makes progress!

And that there are so many more graphs than just the bar charts our students love. And that the best way to learn to master something is to do it ourselves, overtime, with support.

By the end of this course,

you will confidently…


  • Know each data visualization type forwards-and-backwards. 

    Knowing what the various graph, chart, plot, and map types are that we are asking our K-12 students to know is HUGE for us being able to teach our students about them. 
  • Easily identify when and why to make each data visualization type.

    Knowing what they are is only a first step with data visualizations. Knowing that you can easily and quickly pick the best graph, chart, plot, map type for your dataset and students need is CRITICAL.
  • Make each data visualization -- using free software -- like the rockstar you are!

    Knowing what, why, and when are important but...the meat of it all is being able to make whichever graph, chart, plot, map that you want with ease and success yourself so that you can teach them to your students :)

"Getting my students to go beyond just plotting the bar or line graph was SO hard. But now they are able to articulate their ideas more easily a can extrapolate from the data!"

Naomi W., MS Science

The lessons broke down the topics into manageable, comprehensible bundles -- providing both strategies and techniques for me to better assist my students.

- Andre, Grade 5


Gaining these strategies and the support was my 'Aha!' moment. Watching my students actively engage and understand complex graphs was the transformation I wanted.

- Pete, Algebra


What excites me is seeing how my students with guidance are becoming more proficient with creating and using data in various forms, that I'm comfortable with too. 

- Kay, HS Social Studies


What’s Inside Confusion to Clarity: 3 Steps to Master Graphing 


Module 1

Unpack WHAT the K-12 Visualization Types Are

Explore the key graphs, charts, plots, and maps that show up in our grades 4-10 curricula. Through examples and deep dives we will gain insights into what each type is and the components of each (e.g., what kind of data to use in it).

Module Highlights:

There are LOTS of data visualization types, we will break it down to explore the 13 types that show up in our standards OR are really common in media. Specifically as it relates to: 

  • Looking at data of one variable / attribute

  • Viewing the pieces of a whole

  • Exploring data in a group

  • Comparing two (or more) variables / attributes

  • Viewing spatial data

Module 2

Uncover WHY & WHEN to Use Each Type

Knowing what the graph, chart, plot, and map types is an important first step. But if we want to make these like a pro...then we need to first master why and when we use each. Don't worry this can be quick, and is well worth the time! 

Module Highlights:

We want you to easily know when (and why) to use each visualization type for different purposes...so that no matter what data comes your way you've got it! We will unpack...

  • What is going on in the backend of GoogleSheets,

  • What do we do when we are wanting to ask about values within a group,

  • How can we see the overall of a group and/or the composition of it, and

  • What are the range of things we can do with graphs, chats, plots, and maps when we want to make a comparison.

Module 3

Master HOW to Make These Visualization Types

Ta-da! With the what, why, and when under our belts we can finally dig into the meat of the how to make these graphs, charts, plots, and maps with ease and confidence. And this one is all about the practice!

Module Highlights:

And because we have been in the classrooms and know that it seems like just when you've got things all ready to go, something slips -- the technology interface updates, the materials are being borrowed by someone else, the Chromebook needs an update that is blocked by the firewall. So we have built this module out to cover making each visualization type in at least 2 of these different ways:

  • By hand
  • With spreadsheet programs (e.g., Google Sheets)
  • With interactive online graphing programs (e.g.,CODAP)

When you enroll during this special, limited time period,

you’ll get:


Confusion to Clarity: 3 Steps to Master Graphing
(A $299 Value)


  • 3 Quick Modules

    We will dig into the what, why, when and how of the most common graph, chart, plot, and map types in grades 4-10.

  • Master Making these Visualization Types

    Reduce the frustration of Google Sheets coming up with weird graphs for you. Instead rock making them yourself!
  • Match the Visualization Type to Your Data

    Gain the ease and confidence of making graphs, charts, plots, or maps to best visualize whatever data you, your students, or your administrators send your way.
  • Ready-for-You Practice Sets & Templates

    So that you can apply what we are covering in the course as it relates to your own curriculum, have as resources going forward, and adapt to use with your own students!

Frequently Asked Questions

What people asked before signing up for Confusion to Clarity: 3 Steps to Master Graphing

I can’t wait for you to join Confusion to Clarity: 3 Steps to Master Graphing

Creating this course was born out of a deep desire to provide tangible support and resources. I've heard from countless educators who express frustration, exhaustion, and overwhelm when making graphs and/or teaching graphing to students. Many feel at a loss for where to turn and some feel embarrassed due to their perceived shortcomings.

But it doesn't have to be this way! I've experienced firsthand the transformative power of mastering graphing skills, both personally and professionally. Graphing has the potential to revolutionize the way we teach and learn, unlocking new opportunities for engagement, comprehension, and critical thinking.

That's why I created this course—to provide teachers like you with the tools, strategies, and support you need to overcome your graphing challenges and thrive in the classroom. Whether you're looking to boost your confidence, streamline your workflow, or simply gain a deeper understanding of graphing principles, you're in the right place.

And rest assured, with our satisfaction guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. So why wait? Join us today and embark on a journey from confusion to clarity in graphing. Your students—and your sanity—will thank you.

Cheers, Kristin