Data Trailblazers™
Data Literacy Bootcamp

Offering ready-to-use classroom strategies to help students overcome common data and graphing struggles, regardless of your existing curriculum and software.
** Currently there are no scheduled workshop dates **
Data + Inspire = Dataspire
We gather and review data to make sense of our world. Now more than ever, it is important that our students are given the tools and strategies needed to understand, synthesize, and communicate information.
The Data Trailblazers - Data Literacy Series Bootcamp takes educators on a deep dive into the most common areas students can trip up on while working with data. Understanding where the disconnects are allows you to support students to work more effectively and with success.
Our workshops provide an interactive, hands-on experience for teachers, administrators, and education specialists to step into their students' shoes and find the muddled misconceptions or gaps in understanding. The strategies learned during the Data Trailblazers - Data Literacy Series Bootcamp can be easily integrated with existing classroom curriculum and practices.
“Many of these were data skills that I had, but didn’t know how to communicate, organize, and divide them into different skills. Now I have the language and structure to be able to communicate about these skills.”
-Science Supervisor, Gr 3-12, Texas
“I look at data differently now. It’s not just about graphing and conducting research, but having students interpret graphs and data [beyond just] collecting and creating a graph from the data.”
-Science Teacher, Gr 7-12, New York
“This workshop pulled me out of my comfort zone and gave me more confidence to teach data in messy ways.”
-Math & Science Teacher, Gr 5-7, Illinois
Data Trailblazers
Data Literacy Bootcamp - What is that?

Ready To Dive In?
** Currently there are no scheduled workshop dates **
You can register for one, multiple, or all of the workshops. Dates, times, and details are provided once you have chosen a single or bundled workshop package.
Your Instructor:
Kristin Hunter-Thomson
Kristin is the CEO and founder of Dataspire™ Education & Evaluation, LLC. Having worked for the last 20 years in the U.S. and abroad as a researcher and educator in the science and education industries, she draws from her vast knowledge and experience to bring data literacy into the hands of today’s formal and informal educators.
As a marine scientist, secondary science teacher, and trained program evaluator, Kristin offers her workshop participants a hands-on, proven method of understanding the tools and strategies necessary to support successful implementation of data literacy. Kristin has been published in multiple scientific journals and educational publications, and offers professional development consultation services for well known companies and science education publications, like BrainPOP, NSTA Science Scope, and Tuva Labs, Inc.
Kristin lives in California with her partner and two children, who continue to inspire her every day.

“Kristin’s common-sense approach to making sense of data amplifies her ability to coach educators. She is a multi-faceted resource for educators like me: 1.) she is an experienced formal classroom teacher, 2.) she offers a solid pedagogical approach to exploring and explaining data, 3.) her training is rooted in both practical and theoretical understanding of how users learn from data.”
- Senior Education Coordinator
“I have learned SO MUCH! You really present the material in a non-threatening, applicable, and differentiated way.”
- ELA, Math & Social Studies Teacher, Gr 4-6, Indiana
“This workshop was more than I imagined. It made data literacy accessible and digestible. The resources were easy to follow and a treat to [keep] and reference. Kristin is a knowledgeable, kind, and engaging presenter.”
-Informal Educator, Arizona