Building Data Literacy Skills
In September 2021 we launched with Molly Schauffler (Partners in Data Literacy) “Building Blocks for Data Literacy” project.
The Building Blocks for Data Literacy Table is designed as a reference and discussion-starter for teachers and other educators as we all explore how to engage K-12 students with data. It is a draft — an ongoing work in progress that will evolve with input from readers.

An introduction of the project and resource can be found here:
The resource can be accessed here:
We welcome any and all feedback, please consider completing our survey:
DATA RUBRICS K-2nd & 3rd-6th
We worked with Elizabeth Hermoso to build out accessible descriptions of data skills and mastery progression for Kindergarten through 6th grade. We are committed to make it user-friendly, not overwhelming, and ready to turnkey to use into classrooms.
Building the foundation of students' critical thinking, curiosity, and comfort with data in these early years is critical for students' future success with data and greatly supports their future STEM and social studies success.
We welcome feedback, suggestions, and questions. Reach out via our Contact Us page!
Grades K-2
Have you ever wondered:
- What, exactly, can I expect my students in my class to do with data?
- What skills and thought-processes can I help them develop as they learn about subject content?
- What kinds of data-related tasks are appropriate for K-2 students?
We compiled a rubric of skills and concepts that are involved in the initial stages of building data literacy. You can access the resource here or
Grades 3-6 Rubrics
We then compiled a rubric of skills and concepts that are involved in the next stages of building data literacy. Here is how you can access the resources:
- What goes into “Get Data” here or
- What goes into “Explore Data” here or
- What goes into “Infer Data for Meaning” here or