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Data Bites

Looking to dive a bit deeper into a particular aspect of working with data, exploratory data analysis, or developing data visualizations? Check out these different short videos. Donā€™t see a topic you are looking for? Let us know and we will put it in the queue.

Create Data Visualizations in Google Sheets

We explore how to make 11 common graph types in Google Sheets in terms of how to organize the data (and what data we need), and what aspects of the Chart Editor to pay attention to for each.

Video File (YouTube) Developed 3/7/22

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Organize Data to Explore/Graph It

We explore what the differences are between wide and tidy/long organization of data, what each are good for, and how to do each well.

Video File (YouTube) Developed 2/16/22

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Interpret Data in Context

We explore what it looks like for learners of different data skill levels to look at a graph to identify the pattern and then interpret what that pattern means for the question.

Video File (YouTube) Developed 2/4/22

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Describe Visual Patterns

We explore what common pattern types and how we can leverage how our eyes work to help learners recognize data patterns.

Video File (YouTube) Developed 1/24/22

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What are data?

We explore what we mean by data and the difference between data and information.

Video File (YouTube), Audio File, Slidedeck File (.pdf)

(Developed 2/18/20 for the GRC funded ADVizE project)

Making Testable Questions with Data

We explore what a testable question is and how we can work to create testable questions to answer with data.

Video File (YouTube), Audio File, Slidedeck File (.pdf)

(Developed 2/18/20 for the GRC funded ADVizE project)


Exploratory vs Explanatory Data Analysis

We explore the difference between exploratory and explanatory data analysis as well as how and why exploratory data analysis is so important in working with data.

Video File (YouTube), Audio File, Slidedeck File (.pdf)

(Developed 2/18/20 for the GRC funded ADVizE project)

Where Sampling, Data, and Inferences Meet

We explore what a sample is, why it is important to consider when working with data, and how our sample influences what inferences we can draw from our data.

Video File (YouTube), Audio File, Slidedeck File (.pdf)

(Developed 3/24/20 for the GRC funded ADVizE project)

What are data?

We explore what we mean by data and the difference between data and information.

Video File (YouTube), Audio File, Slidedeck File (.pdf)

(Developed 2/18/20 for the GRC funded ADVizE project)

Making Testable Questions with Data

We explore what a testable question is and how we can work to create testable questions to answer with data.

Video File (YouTube), Audio File, Slidedeck File (.pdf)

(Developed 2/18/20 for the GRC funded ADVizE project)


Exploratory vs Explanatory Data Analysis

We explore the difference between exploratory and explanatory data analysis as well as how and why exploratory data analysis is so important in working with data.

Video File (YouTube), Audio File, Slidedeck File (.pdf)

(Developed 2/18/20 for the GRC funded ADVizE project)

Organizing Data

We explore how to create Data Tables and leverage our Spreadsheets to help us collect data, explore our data, and share our data numerically once we have interpreted it.

Video File (YouTube), Audio File, Slidedeck File (.pdf)

(Developed 3/24/20 for the GRC funded ADVizE project)

Making Effective Data Vizualizations

We explore how making data visualizations effective is more than just the mechanics of making the graphs, and introduction to visual and perception science, as well as some brief tips from data visualization designers.

Video File (YouTube), Audio File, Slidedeck File (.pdf)

(Developed 3/24/20 for the GRC funded ADVizE project)

Types of Data & Why We Use Them in Teaching

We explore differences between novices and experts looking at graphs, the question of graphing by hand or with technology, and how to have our students set up their graphs.

Video File (YouTube), Audio File, Slidedeck File (.pdf)

(Developed 4/7/20 for the GRC funded ADVizE project)

Teaching Graphing & Graphs

We explore differences between novices and experts looking at graphs, the question of graphing by hand or with technology, and how to have our students set up their graphs.

Video File (YouTube), Audio File, Slidedeck File (.pdf)

**Developed 4/7/20 for the GRC funded ADVizE project

Strategies to Better Draw Conclusions

We explore six strategies that can be leveraged from other disciplines to help students better make sense of data and draw their conclusion from data.

Video File (YouTube), Slidedeck File (.pdf)

**Developed 11/5/20 for participants of the Data Literacy Series Fall 2020 workshops

Statistical Analyses - Quick Review

We explore common statistical analyses that are taught in high school and introductory undergraduate courses, including: Standard Deviation and Standard Error, Margin of Error and Confidence Intervals, Central Limit Theorem, p-value Exploration, T-Test, Line of Best Fit and Regression, Correlation Coefficient (r) and r-Squared Value, and ANOVA.

Video File (YouTube)

**Developed 3/20/20 for participants of the Data Literacy Series 2019-20 workshops